Installation Support Call – 30 min.

(1 customer review)


Are you stuck and need expert advice?

If so, maybe a 30-minute call will get your project back on track.




A 30-minute call (phone or Zoom) during which you can ask me anything about the installation of YOUR kitchen.

If there are things we need to look at while talking, Zoom will be the best option.


1 review for Installation Support Call – 30 min.

  1. Mike Aitken (verified owner)

    My 30 minute consultation with Lars Rannes saved me many hours of frustration and dithering about. He readily shared his vast experience and expertise with this Newby (my 1st IKEA kitchen) and clearly articulated several effective techniques and fixes that are not apparent in the IKEA literature. Were it not for this amazing gentleman, I would still be blindly finding my way and inventing new levels of profanity! Thank you Lars Rannes, from a very appreciative client!

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