Let's get your kitchen installation of to a good start.

What you must know to experience a trouble-free order handling.

The following information may seem like a lot, but to experience trouble-free order processing and delivery of all the items for your new Ikea kitchen, following the few steps outlined below is essential.

I have divided the information into two parts;

PART ONE: Information about the link to the Ikea online planner and the pdf. files I have sent you.

PART TWO: Information about placing and checking the order at Ikea.


Your Layout Plan & Order List Walk-Through

As you may have noticed, the email you have received with your finalized layout plan contains two links and a PDF file. 

The PDF is your layout plan and complete order list with my manual changes. This file is the most important document in your kitchen renovation, and I highly recommend saving it to your PC and printing it for when you go to or call Ikea to place your order.

The first link brought you here, and the second link takes you to your layout plan on Ikea’s servers.

Before you click on the link to get to your final layout, there are a few important things you must know.

IMPORTANT: The Online Layout is NOT complete

The layout plan you see when you click the link in the email is as complete as the Ikea Online Planner allows me to make it.

This means that any modifications to the dimensions of any cabinets, if applicable, are not shown. Furthermore, not all panels are shown in their final location in most cases.

This is important to remember, as the online layout is primarily just for your viewing pleasure and for Ikea to extract the DESIGN ID from, but there will be more about that later.

When your layout is open, you will have a few options after you click “Continue,” as shown below.

The first two options are “Print” and “Share.”

There’s no good reason to print your layout using this option, as the item list generated in the printout will NOT be complete, as mentioned earlier.

Any drawing you can print from the Ikea Online Planner is already part of the PDF file you received, so printing that file or parts thereof is a much better option.

The “Share” button allows you to send the layout to other parties to whom you must share information about your kitchen renovation. That could be for receiving quotes on countertops and backsplash or discussing plumbing or electrical issues.

You are free to share the layout with as many as you like, and since everyone you share it with is only looking at a copy of your layout, they cannot ruin it.

The last option is the “Proceed” button, a real troublemaker. Keep reading to know why.

Don't Do This.

When you click the Proceed button, a pop-up window informs you that can get your design validated BY IKEA, but that is NOT something you need.

I have already done that for you. The PDF file you have received has been manually checked, corrected, and validated by me.

Your layout is not only ready for ordering but also for installation, and the latter is NOT something the Ikea employees can do with a satisfying result.

Just as you ordered me to do, I have gone through everything and amended the order list (PDF file) to contain what you need to make your IKEA kitchen installation successful. 

So, to emphasize, do not add a validation to the Shopping Cart on the Ikea website and don’t send your layout for review.

Validation has been carried out already.

Your Layout Plan & Order List

With these practical but important matters out of the way, we are ready to look at the Layout Plan and Order List, so you are fully prepared to place the order for your new Ikea kitchen.

The Front Page

At the top of the front page, you will find your Design ID, a unique number identifying your layout plan on Ikea servers. They may ask for that number at Ikea when you place your order.

At the bottom, I used to write a message for Ikea, but the feedback I got from clients was that Ikea did not read it anyway. Doh.

I have now added a description of what the various coloured frames mean instead.


Red Frames

The items framed with RED are where I have made important changes.

These changes must be made to your order list. However, If I have reduced the amount of a certain part, you can always return the unused items, but if I have increased the quantity, you will be short on those.

Green Frames

The items framed with GREEN are optional. For example, Ikea would love to sell you a lot of glass sides for your Maximera drawers, so these are added automatically. 

However, most clients don’t want them since they can run up to hundreds of dollars and don’t add much functionality.

If you still want them, just let Ikea know to leave them in there when you place your order. 

Grey Frames

Blue Frame

The approximate cost of your kitchen is shown in the blue frame.

The number isn’t accurate since the total number doesn’t include the manual changes.


Placing the order and beyond.

With the pdf file you received from me in hand, you are now ready to place your order at Ikea. Most of my clients go there in person, but placing your order by phone is also possible.

Ikea’s order system (in Canada and the USA) isn’t very customer-friendly, in my opinion, as they don’t create a back-order list. This means that any items currently not in stock will be listed on a “Shopping List,” and you must place an additional order for those items. 

Your Order Confirmation

Everything on the Order Confirmation has been ordered, and you should have received a delivery date.

Your Shopping List

Items on your shopping list are not in stock, so you must reorder them.

Ask the employee who’s taking your order for the correct procedure.

It is time to compare

When you have placed your order with Ikea, you must compare the order list I prepared with the content of the Order Confirmation and Shopping List (if applicable).

If any items found on the Layout Plan & Order list are not present on the two lists from Ikea, those items must be added to the order as soon as possible.

Layout Plan & Order List


Order Confirmation

Shopping List

Taking Delivery

When Ikea shows up at your door with a load of boxes, they will give you a List with all the items delivered, a delivery note. 

It is not only important to check that the items actually delivered are on the delivery note, but it is equally important that the delivery note contains everything from your order confirmations(s).

I know it is a hassle to check these things, but I can not recommend leaving things to chance. Mistakes happen; it is better to be proactive and deal with them before they become problems.

If I am doing your installation, I will see you soon.

I wish you all the best if someone else or even yourself is doing the installation. Remember to visit my YouTube channel for a full Do It Yourself Ikea Installation Videos library.