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Here, you will find my complete library of articles. The content is still a work in progress and will expand with the creation of new content.

Can You Identify Poor Quality?

“Anything worth doing is worth doing right.” Hunter S. Thomson said those famous words, but we don’t know if he knew how to identify poor quality. However, I am not sure the creator of Gonzo journalism was thinking about kitchen installations in particular. But we really don’t know that...

Screws For IKEA Suspension Rails

Picking the right screws for Ikea suspension rails is very important. If you do not pick the correct screws for the suspension rails while shopping for the materials needed to install your new Ikea kitchen, it can prove an unnecessary risk at best but also dangerous, or even fatal,...

Easy Assembly of IKEA Drawers

The foolproof assembly guide You may not believe that easy assembly of Ikea drawers is possible, but yes, it really is. If you had installed an Ikea kitchen before, or maybe just looked into how complicated it will be, you might think that assembling drawers the easy way sounds...